Buck Bomb Primetime Rut Kit


Buck Bomb Primetime Rut Kit

Item # 2600108


Sorry, this product is discontinued and no longer available for purchase.


• Includes:
• Two 4oz bottles of Buck Bomb Doe 'N Estrus liquid scent
• Two Scent Wicks
• One Scent Hammock which can be used with any Buck Bomb 4oz liquid scent
• Simply hang the soft rubber Scent Hammock from a tree limb with a 4oz scent inserted, and loosen the cap of the 4oz liquid scent to release the scent at the desired pace
• Use this system to freshen a scrape during the rut or apply scent to any area while you are away
• The Scent Hammock is hunter orange for easy visibility to the hunter and act as a yardage marker
