Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX Ballistic Chronograph
Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX Ballistic Chronograph
Competition Electronics ProChrono DLX Ballistic Chronograph
- On-board Bluetooth connectivity with free iOS, Android, Kindle, PC, and Mac app
- Internal and external refinements with updates to the circuity and enclosure
- Built-in full-featured operation system with multiple shot string memory and statistics
- Sensing system compatible with a wide variety of light conditions and projectiles
- Faster internal shot clock for improved accuracy to +/- .5% or better
- 2-year manufacturer warranty against defects in material and workmanship
- Replaceable 9-volt alkaline battery for 20+ hours of operation
- Made in the USA at an affordable price
- Weight: 2.1 lbs
- Size: 16 x 4 x 3-¼
- Accurate to within +/- 0.5% of Measured Velocity
- Powered: 9-Volt Battery (Not Included)
- Mounting Hole: 1/4x20
- Bluetooth Connectivity
Note: Everything is included for outdoor use. For indoor use, Competition Electronics recommends their optional Indoor Lighting System (Item #1880003).