Professional Form and Shot Execution Techniques DVD By George Ryals IV
Professional Form and Shot Execution Techniques DVD By George Ryals IV
Professional Form and Shot Execution Techniques DVD By George Ryals IV
• The first DVD "Professional Tuning Secrets", covered the mechanical and tuning side of archery, second installment covers the finer points of form, shot execution, and stability
• Inside this DVD you will learn how to clean up and cure shot execution problems, how to make your bow more stable, how to make form changes to promote stability and most of all... how to recognize through sight movement what changes need to be made and when
- The basic form structure
- Draw Length tricks
- Shot setup and approach to anchor
- Recognizing and releasing tension
Shot Building
- Learn how to shoot the different release types in detail
- Eliminate freezing
- Using GRIV's ten yard exercise to create your best shot
- More draw length tricks
- Choosing and using stabilizers for best results
- Bow tuning that affects stability
- Creating the perfect balance