Published July 18, 2017 in NewsBy P.J. Reilly

Lancaster Archery Academy August-September Newsletter

Lancaster Archery Academy August-September Newsletter
The crazy, hazy days of summer are upon us.At Lancaster Archery Academy, that just means more daylight hours for shooting bows!ACADEMYWe've got a whole slate of classes coming up in the next two months, which you won't want to miss out on. And, since we all know it's never too late to start preparing for the 2018 Lancaster Archery Classic, we will kick off our first target league of the new season.Check out our list of upcoming activities.ARCHERY CLASSESWe’ve got multiple, 6-week classes starting soon in our Experience Archery, and Intermediate Archery courses. Listed below are the start dates and class times. Unless specified, classes are open to all archers age 6 and older. Call (717) 556-1379 for information on any of the activities listed below.EXPERIENCE ARCHERY – ALL AGES:  Aug. 12 and Sept. 30, 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Aug. 12, 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Aug. 14 and 16, 5-6 p.m.; Sept. 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m.INTERMEDIATE ARCHERY: Aug. 12 and Sept. 30, 10-11 a.m.; Aug. 14 and 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m.; Sept. 27, 5-6 p.m.INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION COURSELEVEL 2: Sept. 15-16SPECIAL EVENTSFALL TARGET LEAGUE: Runs Sept. 6-Oct. 8; shoot 30 arrows in Classic scoring every Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. Register here.COFFEE CLUB: Join us every Friday morning at 9 a.m. to eat donuts, drink coffee and shoot your bow.