Covert MP9 Trail Camera 2-Pack Bundle


Covert MP9 Trail Camera 2-Pack Bundle

Item # 1031553


Sorry, this product is discontinued and no longer available for purchase.


  • Features a powerful 9 megapixels camera
  • 16 IR Low Glow LED’s for minimal detection by game
  • 100-foot flash range for capturing images in low light
  • 1 Shot, 3 Shot, & Video Mode allow you to adjust the camera to your exact image capture needs
  • 1 Second Trigger Speed helps get even the most elusive game in the frame of the shot
  • will record on SD cards with 8 to 32GB SD card capacity 
  • Powered by 4AA Batteries
  • 0.9” Settings Screen
  • 2 Year Warranty
  • 2 x MP9 Cameras
  • 8 AA Batteries
  • 2  16 GB SD Cards
