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Quintessential 10# Training Limbs fit Polaris, Prostyle, Rolan Risers


Quintessential 10# Training Limbs fit Polaris, Prostyle, Rolan Risers

Item # 3810012


Sorry, this product is discontinued and no longer available for purchase.


  • Lightweight training limb for popular recreational take-down risers
  • Practice form skills and drills with little finger weight
  • Match with different risers to create a variety of popular length bows for optimal fit
  • Short Limbs: Arc Rolan Short 21.5” Riser - 62” | Arc Rolan Long 23.5” Riser or Galaxy Bullseye 66” Riser - 64” | Galaxy Bullseye 62” Riser - 60”
  • Long Limbs: Arc Rolan Short 21.5” Riser - 64” | Arc Rolan Long 23.5” Riser or Galaxy Bullseye 66” Riser - 66” | Galaxy Bullseye 62” Riser - 62”
