Published September 01, 2017 in PodcastsBy P.J. Reilly

PODCAST: Matt Zirnsak and Tim Nebel of The Push Archery

PODCAST: Matt Zirnsak and Tim Nebel of The Push Archery
Matt Zirnsak is a longtime, barebow target archer. He admits to "geeking out" on the technical side of traditional archery - bow tuning, arrow tuning, aiming techniques, torsional stability and on and on.While these are facets of archery that most often are associated with compound archery and Olympic recurve, Zirnsak believes they absolutely have a place in traditional archery.thepushSo he and his friend Tim Nebel - a traditional archer with a passion for videography - last year decided to make a film about the technical side of traditional archery, which they titled, "The Push - A Traditional Archery Film."Available to anyone on YouTube, the video has been a smash hit, with nearly 200,000 views in just over 12 months. The video was so successful, Zirnsak and Nebel have made three more films under "The Push" name, and they've launched a podcast. They've done all of this with a single goal in mind."To expedite the traditional archery learning curve," Zirnsak said.We sat down with Zirnsak and Nebel at the 2017 Eastern Traditional Archery Rendezvous in northcentral Pennsylvania - the largest, annual gathering of traditional archers in the United States - to talk about the evolution of The Push and about the growing interest in traditional archery across the country.In this podcast, you will learn:
  • Why traditional archery is experiencing a rush of new participants.
  • Why Zirnsak and Nebel settled on the name, "The Push."
  • How The Push is helping people get involved in traditional archery.
  • How bona fide target archery practices and principles can and should play a role in traditional archery.
  • How competition can make anyone a better bowhunter.
  • What it's like to be a rock star in the world of traditional archery.
“Traditional archery is not a hobby. It's not a sport. It's a lifestyle. It kind of grabs your primordial essence."